Since 1996 Dr Roger Welch, working with local optometrists Ross Cooper and Steven Smith, has provided eye care to the town of Moree in rural far North West New South Wales.
Moree is the hub of an agricultural area, known for cotton, wheat and other crops, and cattle. Being in a remote location, Moree patients did not have direct access to a specialist ophthalmologist.
Over the years, Dr Welch has personally funded this project. It has grown with Dr André Théron participating in the project since he joined Vision Centre. Dr Welch performed the
first eye surgery in Moree on the Surgical Bus eight years ago; and in recent years funding through the New South Wales Health Department has allowed eye surgery to be performed at the local Moree Hospital.
The project is now also supported through the Barwon Division of General Practice, the Rural Doctors Federation, and the Pius X Aboriginal Health Care Corporation.
Dr Welch and Dr Théron now visit Moree on a monthly rotation staying for 3 days at a time to consult and perform surgery.
Comments Dr Welch: "The greatest area of need in the Moree community was the group of uninsured pensioners who had difficulty travelling out of town for eye surgery"
This innovative project is very well supported by the Moree community and by the local optometrists.
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