Usually caused by ageing, eyelids may develop either entropion or ectropion. Where eyelids turn in and cause eyelashes to rub against your eye, you have developed entropion. Where your eyelid turns out and does not touch your eye, that is ectropion.
Entropion - Inwards
Ectropion - Outwards
Normally your eyelid works as a wiper of your eye to keep it clean and slightly damp. Both entropion and ectropion lead to irritation of your eye. Entropion sees your eyelashes scrubbing across your eye and potentially leading to scarring and possible infection. Ectropion tends to leave your eye dry, uncomfortable and possibly unsightly.
Dry eye drops or artificial tears (lubricant drops) can be the first line of treatment but simple surgery is often the best remedy.
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